Dribbling Passing and Receiving Drill

By Arthur Bell –

Area – Half pitch.
Players x 12 – 20
Markers x 12 red.
Balls x 4

Outside players have a ball each.

Player 1, dribbles towards cone in front, turns and dribble back to initial marker and turns again.
Player then plays a pass to player 2 in the centre.
Player 2 receives and plays ball to player 3.
All outside players start at the same time.

Players follow their pass.

1. Change direction of the drill.
2. The player must perform a named 1 v 1 skill e.g. stepover, to make space round the marker before the pass.
3. The player must perform a 1 v 1 skill of their choice to make space round the marker before the pass.
4. For passing and receiving only, remove the inside dribbling markers.

By Arthur Bell

About the Author mikesaif

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